Specialising in OTR TPMS

Completely independent from any tire manufacturers

Fits any tire size from any manufacturer

Robust design that works in harsh environments

Innovation in Tire Monitoring

TMS® is a leading designer and manufacturer of high-quality wireless Tire Pressure and temperature Monitoring Systems (TPMS).

We design our TPMS specifically for large industrial and Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles.

Our primary applications span:

  • Mining
  • Construction & Earthmoving
  • Large mobile cranes
  • Container & Cargo handling equipment
  • Mass Transit Systems

By using our TPMS, you can improve driver and vehicle safety and reduce operating costs for your fleet. Specifically, with accurate tire pressure and temperature tracking, your operation will benefit from:

  • Enhanced tire performance
  • Prolonged tire life
  • Reduced vehicle downtime
  • Increased fuel efficiency
  • Improved sustainability records

In short, TMS® can help your business improve Safety, Savings and Sustainability.

Why choose TMS®?

Undeniably a reliable and accurate real-time Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is important to your business. Running your vehicles’ tires at the incorrect pressure can cause blow-outs and other safety issues, as well as affecting their performance, and increasing fuel costs. So to increase efficiency and productivity, installing a TPMS is essential.

Our TPMS has been designed especially for Industrial and Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles. Additionally the Tire Monitor System engineering team are experts in product design for these challenging environments. Also the team have been at the leading edge of TPMS design from the earliest conceptual designs.

Our ruggedised TPMS solutions can withstand the most challenging conditions. What’s more it easily handles severe vibration, extreme temperature cycling from -25C to 100C, and tire pressures up to 200psi.

The advantages of TMS®

Another key point of using TMS® is that we are completely independent from any tire manufacturer. Consequently our TPMS is compatible with every size of tire and every major tire manufacturer for any industrial vehicle. As a result this enables you to choose the best tires for your business for each application and each vehicle. So you have the flexibility to change tire suppliers as required. Because of this you can gain huge cost savings, as tires are a huge expense for your business.

In addition, our TPMS offers unmatched sensitivity, utilising up to four antennas, for transmission redundancy. This ensures total reliability even on the largest of vehicles and on vehicles up to 24 wheels, even when surrounded by tonnes of metalwork and electrical interference.  Unlike many systems, the TMS® system compensates for altitude, to give accurate, reliable real-time data.

Once the data is collected using the TMS® system, the free App gives you the power to analyse and report on this data for your whole fleet. Armed with this data, you can efficiently plan all tire maintenance and replacement schedules and so minimise downtime.

TMS® is a company centred around our customers. We listen to what you want and are constantly looking at ways to improve our products. TMS® remains at the forefront of developing cutting-edge products.

By installing our TPMS on your vehicles, you will:

  • Improve safety
  • Improve efficiency
  • Improve performance

So, if you are responsible for keeping your industrial vehicles moving at all times, improving performance and ensuring driver safety, get in touch now.

Trust Tire Monitor System – Your reliable TPMS Solution

A selection of the companies that trust TMS®

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In fact hundreds of companies across 25 countries have chosen to work with TMS® to improve their business safety, savings and sustainability. When it comes to choosing a TPMS for your industrial and OTR vehicles, you need to choose a well-established company you can rely upon. Reliability and accuracy are important when there’s a lot depending on your TPMS:

Safety for both the drivers and vehicles – incorrect tire pressure can impact the handling and safety of your vehicles

Savings in time, assets and fuel – you need to know the data from the TPMS is reliable and accurate to enable you to confidently schedule tire maintenance and repairs/re-treading. Because tire costs are a huge part of your business costs.

Sustainability – let TMS® help you reduce your environmental impact by extending tire life, enabling tire re-treading, and reducing fuel usage.

Read about the types of vehicles which use our TPMS in the Typical Applications section.

With a proven track-record and reliable innovative products, TMS® can help you achieve maximum vehicle uptime, productivity, and profitability. So get in touch today to find out how your company can benefit…

Contact Us

The TMS® range of products is manufactured in the UK and distributed across the world through an international network of partners. Our partners are established market leaders in the tire fitting and maintenance market.

Contact us using the form below so we can direct you to the TMS® Partner best placed to help you with your enquiry or call us today on +44 1298 77166.

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free trial

Free Trial

Try our Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) free of charge and make your own judgement on how easy it is to install and use on your vehicle(s) and assess the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. If you operate Industrial or Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles, then our TPMS will be perfect for your application. Find out how the data will improve vehicle safety, performance and productivity and so increase your operation's profitability.

Request full information on the TMS® trial below:

Free Trial
