At Hillhead our Sales Director, Mandy Bromley, gave an insight into the global reach of our tyre pressure monitoring system and also our in-house offering.
Speaking with Paul Moore of International Mining, Mandy gave insights into the processes that apply around the world to mining TPMS technologies. ?If you are testing and conducting TPMS trials in one application it is important to realise that one mine is not the same as another in terms of what they are mining, how they manage it, and the way they manage the haul road.?
Mandy went on to detail the challenges of working in all varieties of mines across the globe, ?Once you get it working in one location it is not necessarily the case that it will work at an another, even if they are both copper mines and are part of the same company. We still need to do a lot of controlled testing in the new mine before jumping the gun and fitting out the whole fleet.?
Up until late 2009 we only worked on integrated systems ?technology systems that everyone else then put their name to?. Since 2009 we?ve introduced our own TMS® standalone branded offering, perfect for smaller quarries and mines, such as Wakefield?s Earthmover Tyres, who we developed our original Tire Monitoring System (TMS) wireless direct type pressure gauge and monitoring system for. In Mandy?s words, ?Now we have the best of both worlds ? we have our integrated systems that are installed by large tyre service companies and our standalone system that competes with other ?plug and play? type branded offerings but also may be supplied through other partnerships.?
Looking ahead to the future we?re excited to be building partnerships in China, India and Russia. In Chile we?ve enjoyed great success, with our partners Bailac. Our system is on over 350 trucks, while in the Phillipines we?re on over 200 trucks and growing, with our partners Leemasters.