TMS® App

The TMS® App is a free-of-charge progressive web App (PWA) that works on smart phones, tablets or PCs. Therefore, it is the perfect tool to easily manage all your tire monitoring data.

The App design serves two main purposes. Firstly, to configure the TPMS system. Secondly, to store and analyse tire pressure and temperature data.

It is suitable for individual vehicles or for your whole fleet.

All the features of the TMS® Manager, TMS® Log Graph and TMS® Log Summary are available in the App.

Summary Screen for all vehicles
The summary screen shows a representation of each of the vehicle’s in the fleet with their vehicle reference and wheel layout clearly shown. From here you can either drill down into each vehicles settings or analyse the pressure and temperature data.

System configuration

When linked to the TMS® Hub, it’s a simple process to setup a new system or make changes to an existing system.  You can use the App to:

  • Change the displayed units of measure to suit your local preference.
  • Check and synchronise the internal clock.
  • Adjust the wheel layout. This includes the number of wheels and axles, wheels per axle and numbering. Configurable for local conventions.
  • Add or remove a Sensor. Each wheel location links to a Sensor via its unique Sensor ID.
  • Setup the Alert settings for low pressure, high pressure, high temperature, no data time-out and low Sensor battery.  These are configurable per wheel, including whether each alert is shown to the driver.
  • Warn the driver if one wheel is hotter than the others, using configurable parameters.
  • Change the time zone to suit your location anywhere in the world.
Wheel Layout screen
The wheel layouts can be easily setup from this screen. Vehicles up to 24 wheels can be catered for. There are also three different numbering conventions included to suit your own local conventions.
Alert Settings screen to establish all temperature and pressure alerts per wheel
Alerts configuration is global for the whole vehicle or separate for each wheel. Including which alerts the driver sees. There alerts for low pressure, high pressure, high temperature, no-data timeout and low battery.
App - Report Settings to change colours and date ranges, tire pressures and temperatures
The chart viewer settings include different colour modes and different timeframes.  You can choose to see pressure, temperature or both on the chart views. To improve clarity you can hide specific wheels from the view. The charts support all worldwide time zones.

Analysis of logged data using the TMS® App

When you regularly collect both pressure and temperature data from a number of wheels from a number of vehicles, you very quickly build up a huge volume of data.  For that reason the App includes sophisticated summarising and visualising techniques to enable users to quickly highlight issues with the tire pressure and/or temperatures. For example, using a multi-coloured design and specially developed visual icons, it is easy to identify any problems in a matter of seconds.  When you see an area of interest, it is a simple process to drill further into this operating period. Specifically, you can drill down to individual data points.

App - Pressure Chart showing all wheels pressure over a chosen date range. The same applies for temperatures.
This shows the summary charts of the pressure data from all wheels.  The same is available for temperature.  From these charts you can see when alerts were active.  It is possible to fine tune the view to look at look at particular wheels and particular time frames.

Also, for even greater speed, the App offers shortcuts to jump directly to a particular week or month. As well as allowing you to simply create your own custom time periods. 

Additionally each wheel has a separate colour and is removable from the display if required. Consequently, this allows you to home in on the exact data you need, for the exact tire, over the exact time period.

You can import data from other fleets in JSON files. You can export data into CSV files for further analysis or manipulation in Excel.

TMS® App – Tire Reporting

Firstly, identify a timescale of interest. Then it is simple to generate a visual report in the App. You can then export or print out the report allowing you to quickly share information with colleagues.

App - Active Alert Report shows the percentage time that alerts were active over a selected date range
This report view summarises each wheel and shows a visual representation of the percentage of time the wheel alerts are active.  These areas are also shown as the darker colour in the chart. This is split into each wheel.  Any wheel without any alerts over the timeframe viewed would not be shown.

Print functionality is built-in and flexible, giving you the option to print whole the report or print specific sections of the graphs to highlight problem areas.

App - PDF Report, all reports can be printed or a PDF created
The reports and charts can be printed as required. This is an example of a print preview of a standard report.  Making sharing with colleagues straightforward.

In summary, the new App by TMS® makes setting up, recording and analysing your TPMS data a breeze. The data gathered provides businesses with essential information to optimise vehicle uptime. Consequently productivity and profitability improve, all whilst keeping the operators and machinery safe. For more information on the TMS® App and to discuss how investing in a TMS® System can help your business, contact us to discuss your needs with our team.

TMS® App – Trial

If you would like to try the App, get in touch today and we will send you some information.

product image of the TMS® App
The TMS® App is a free-of-charge App that works on smart phones, tablets or PCs. It is the perfect tool to easily manage all your tire monitoring data.

Contact Us

The TMS® range of products is manufactured in the UK and distributed across the world through an international network of partners. Our partners are established market leaders in the tire fitting and maintenance market.

Contact us using the form below so we can direct you to the TMS® Partner best placed to help you with your enquiry or call us today on +44 1298 77166.

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Free Trial

Try our Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) free of charge and make your own judgement on how easy it is to install and use on your vehicle(s) and assess the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. If you operate Industrial or Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles, then our TPMS will be perfect for your application. Find out how the data will improve vehicle safety, performance and productivity and so increase your operation's profitability.

Request full information on the TMS® trial below:

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