TMS® Log Summary

The latest TMS® PC application software summarises the log data files that have been downloaded and saved using TMS® Manager. Log Summary operates in conjunction with TMS® Log Graph so not only clearly identifies any alarms but the detail for each alarm from multiple files.

An ideal tool when working with a fleet of vehicles where data is gathered on a regular basis the results for the whole fleet can be seen in one summary showing any alarms that have occurred, which vehicle and the time. Information can be analysed on screen and reports printed off or saved.

TMS® Log Summary can be obtained from the downloads section of the website together with the other TMS® PC applications.

You can find the current app here.

TMS Log Summary

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Try our Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) free of charge and make your own judgement on how easy it is to install and use on your vehicle(s) and assess the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. If you operate Industrial or Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles, then our TPMS will be perfect for your application. Find out how the data will improve vehicle safety, performance and productivity and so increase your operation's profitability.

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