Starter Kit

TMS® offers a complete Tire Monitoring System Starter Kit. It includes everything you need to start monitoring tire pressure and temperature for a vehicle with up to 6 wheels.

These kits are available Ex-stock. They are a cost-effective way to purchase your initial monitoring equipment from TMS® for system evaluation. Provided that you specify the exact make and model of your vehicle, we can tailor the kit to your exact requirements. 

The standard Starter Kit contains 6 Internal Sensors, 6 External Sensors, the innovative TMS® Hub, our new touch-screen Display. The kit includes all the required cables, connectors and components to complete the set up. The kit comes with a Quick Start Guide that leads you through the simple installation process.

You can buy more Internal or External Sensors at a later date, if required, to expand the system to larger vehicles. 

All our high quality, high reliability TPMS equipment is proven to handle not only extremes of temperatures but also vibration and temperature cycling, ideal for all industrial and Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles. Our system is suitable for tires of any industrial vehicle, from any manufacturer and of any size.

Your business will soon be benefitting from cost, safety, and sustainability improvements with our innovative TPMS solutions. For further information on our TMS® Starter Kit and how it can help your business, please contact us now.

Starter Kit includes:

  • 6 x TMS2A Sensors Internal Readable Clean-dry
  • 6 x TMS24A Sensors External Readable Clean-dry
  • 1 x TMS35 Hub
  • 1 x TMS34 Operator Interface (Display)
  • 1 x TMS28 Sensor Reader (including rechargeable power supply)
  • 6 x Patch & Toggle Assemblies for TMS2A
  • 6 x Large Bore T-fitting
  • 3 x BNC Receiver Antenna (5m, 8m and 16m)
  • 1 x 3m Hub and Display cables
  • 1 x Set of serial and USB cables and connectors
  • 1 x Quick Start Guide
product image of the Starter Kit
Starter Kit

Contact Us

The TMS® range of products is manufactured in the UK and distributed across the world through an international network of partners. Our partners are established market leaders in the tire fitting and maintenance market.

Contact us using the form below so we can direct you to the TMS® Partner best placed to help you with your enquiry or call us today on +44 1298 77166.

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free trial

Free Trial

Try our Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) free of charge and make your own judgement on how easy it is to install and use on your vehicle(s) and assess the accuracy and reliability of the data provided. If you operate Industrial or Off-the-Road (OTR) vehicles, then our TPMS will be perfect for your application. Find out how the data will improve vehicle safety, performance and productivity and so increase your operation's profitability.

Request full information on the TMS® trial below:

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