One of the most crucial aspects of OTR fleet management and tire monitoring is the ability to have data available…
News, this is what we do...
TMS Log Graph helps analysis of tire management data
One of the innovative tire monitor systems we have developed is the TMS® Log Graph. This informative piece of software…
Improve tire management with TMS Operator Interface
OTR fleet management and tire monitoring are tasks made simpler with innovative and easy to use products, such as the …
TMS Sensor Reader keeps things moving at Dallas Fort Worth
TMS® has been used to monitor tire pressure on the Skylink automated people mover (APM) system at Dallas Fort Worth…
TMS takes pole position with Bombardier on Taiwanese transit line
When the Taipei Rapid Transport Corporation (TRTC) decided to upgrade the Neihu and Mucha transit line, it became clear that…
Success with Leemasters International leads drive for distributors
Since its launch in 2005, Tire Monitor System (TMS) has been well received both in the UK and internationally with…
Sunny skies and success in Santiago
Last month I travelled to Santiago in Chile to find out how the integration of our TMS® technology into Bailac?s…
TMS Introduced at Dallas Fort Worth Airport
The rubber-tired CX-100 series and INNOVIA people mover systems by Bombardier Transportation Inc. operate on a dedicated guideway and are…
Tyre management in Chile
The mining industry in Chile has been under the media spotlight for some time but perhaps not for the best…
Tire Monitor System makes debut in Latin America OTR tyre market
Tire Monitor System, a OTR TPMS system is being integrated into a data collection system for mine haul trucks in…